Personal website with Hugo: Maintainance and Enhancements

Hi there! 😊 Here, I gathered some tips to maintain and enhance my personal website, which is built with Hugo. If you would like to create a website like mine, you can follow the steps described in another post I wrote: How to create a personal website with Hugo. General maintainance Theme update (or change) When you reclone the repo you may need to run the following command. Check if ....

March 7, 2024 · Lorenzo Palloni

How to create a personal website with Hugo

Hi there! 😊 If you like this website, maybe you would like to have a similar page for yourself too. In this post, I’m going to describe the major steps involved. Let’s start! 1. Install Hugo This website has been built using a static site generator called Hugo. So, the very first thing to do would be to install Hugo. In my case (Arch Linux), I would run the following:...

March 6, 2024 · Lorenzo Palloni